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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Proud Mamma!

YAY, my daughter is now a senior!  These pics are just a few of the ones that was taken, but as you can see they came out awesome. She took them down at the boardwalk and needless to say she walked all over that place, she even had one taken in a boat and against an old car. :) I can't wait to see those

I couldn't be more prouder of her, she has come along way since her freshmen year. She worked hard and overcome some obstacles. You should have seen her when she took these pictures, she was soooo proud. 

Sorry, I just had to gloat! what can I say I am a proud mamma lol

Saturday, August 11, 2012

All about the kiddos

Well today my daughter went and took her senior pictures down at the boardwalk. She paid for them herself out of her check from work. Which thank god, because getting what the kids needs for school broke us :) Anyways, she was so excited about it, it's like a real defining moment for her. I honestly didn't think we was going to get this fair, but we did.  So next year my daughter will be graduating from high school. Yay! Now, we just got to get her to figure out what she wants to do with her life, so that will be our next step ;) I have no doubt Amber will do good in what ever she decides to do, she is a very smart girl. Although sometimes she gets geared off the path and we have to lead her back lol. She is constantly telling me that she will never leave our house as she is "to much of mamma's girl"Okay, now that is a scary thought,  sooner or later she has to leave the nest and not when she is 30 :)

On another note, I had my youngest two children last week for the summer and they went home yesterday. My son is 14 and is going through this Independence stage, I think as a parent you have been through this with your children. He is at that age where he is expressing his feelings and developing his own personality as an up becoming adult. I say koodos to that, although he can get a little mouthy and oh, so touchy about certain things. He is growing up and sometimes I wish I could stop time :)  I can remember when he was 4 or 5 and  pulling his sister around in a wagon, god they was so adorable at that age. Its like time just gets away from you to damn fast, you blink and bam! there grown adults.   Now my youngest daughter she is becoming a pretty girl like her big sister and oh, so sensitive. ( I was lucky for my kids to be born with the good look genes ;)  I noticed that she hates to be picked on, especially certain things.  She is young (only 12) and hopefully in time she will outgrow that. I was the same way when I was her age.

All my kids have there own personalities, not one is the same. But overall I love them all very much and couldn't be more prouder of them. They all are good kids and will grow up be awesome adults.  I keep telling them that they need to become an doctor or lawyer, so they can take care of my husband and I when we get older. They can push us around in the wheel chair :)  Hmm, I can dream can't I lol.  Naw, it doesn't matter what career they choose to go in because whatever they choose they will excel at it.

Until next time..

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Irresistibly Creative- Is Alive!

Well  I finally got my Facebook page done for my graphic designs, ( still some tweaking to do on it tho) now let's see if I get any hits. There are allot of competition when it comes to graphic design, but surely someone will like my work :) I take pride in my work and so love creating new designs. I actually spend more time in front of my computer, then I do anywhere else lol. I am constantly thinking of new and unique designs to come up with, I want my work to basically make a statement of it's own.   I have always thought out of the box, so I figure "hey why not incorporate that into my work".

I feel everybody needs there own voice and style, even if some people don't agree with it or even like it. Because the way I see it someone out there will like it and that could be the start I need. My work is geared towards wahm & small business that can't afford alot. You don't know how many designs sites I have went to that charged outrageous prices and there work wasn't that good. I'm not one of those people, I want to give you quality, fun designs that want break your bank book.

So, I will keep making designs and keep promoting and we shall see how this takes off. If it don't then I know that I need to move onto other things :)   So if you want to check out my work visit my FB page at   

Until Next Time....

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Finally found it

Okay, I know my last post I stated that I am frustrated about my newest business adventure. But you know what, I think I have found "my niche" I guess you can say. I am really, really excited about my newest adventures. I have been working really hard promoting it and eventually it will pay off. Its about patience, determination and the passion to do it.

This is what I needed, to get excited about something. Because with me If I am not excited then i will just give up on it. This I don't plan on it. I don't know it's weird, but once I started this It just seems I have a newer outlook on life & things. I am more happier with myself and my life, I can't really explain it.  I guess because it gives me purpose, something to strive for and be successful with.  Woohoo, now its all good things from here on out!

Until next time folks....

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sometimes it isn't so easy!

I am beginning to think that I just plain suck at being a salesman :). Okay, let me feel you in on why I say that, I have signed up for 2 direct sale companies and I haven't gotten any sales for either one of them. I have been advertising my butt off, but not one bite. Its like, geez what do I have to do!  I will admit that I have tried DS before and I failed miserably at it, you would think that would have been a clue!  But we need the extra money and frankly I am getting tired of not keeping busy.  (no, housework and laundry doesn't count) Some people are born to do this, but I guess I don't fit in that category :) Also, if I had the money to invest in inventory it would help me. Oh, well until I can do that I will just keep plugging away and hit up my friends for some orders if I have too!  If you would like to take pity on my me, check out my sites.  Its the V3 an Liberty Lady Designs.  well, until next time folks...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy birthday to me,Happy birthday to me!

Well today is  my birthday and I am 38 years old young. I keep telling myself that because I am only 2 years away from the big 40 :) My husband is taking me out to eat and going to have a few drinks with friends. Being your birthday has allot of perks, you can get spoiled for one day. Yea, that is what I am talking about lol

Well, I need to get my booty off this computer and go jump in the shower, even though I have been saying that for the past hour.  I will feel you in later on my night, until next time...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Soul Searching

I have done allot of soul searching and come to realize that life is to short to hang onto grudges and resentment. I can't change what has happened in my past, all I can do is focus on "here and now". I have had allot of anger and bitterness that build up inside of me for so long that it consumed me, but in the process it end up hurting the ones that I love. I am slowly working through it and things have gotten better.

 You will always have people that will judge and criticize you, but that is because they don't want to get to know the person you are. I have had that done to me all my life and believe me it will bring you down and it will take along time to build yourself back up. I want sit here and say that I have had a bad life, because I haven't. But I will say that my life has been a struggle, just as I am sure others can relate.

It comes a time in your life where you have to step back and say enough is enough. Life is to short to spend your life being angry and negative. Although it has taking me a long time to realize that,I am finally taking the steps to change that and rejoicing my new life. I have goals I want to obtain and whatever it takes I am going to reach them.

I am happier now and I know that I my kids, family and husband that loves me no matter what.  That alone lifts me up and keeps me going. Never take for granted what you have because one day it will be all gone. Focus on having fun, living your life the way you want too. If anybody else don't like it, well that is there problem not yours!

Well, I just wanted to share my thoughts :) until next time..